Differentiation through Technology

I tried to incorporate technology as much as possible into this unit, as I know that students need to access information in many different ways. Since the unit was already rich in printed and hands-on materials, I thought it would be good to tap into the electronic realm. A few examples are listed below.

"Guess My Property" with the document camera and Smartboard

The document camera and Smartboard were very useful during this unit. In the photos above and below, students were playing "Guess My Property." In this game, students chose two objects with a common property and asked other students to guess the mystery property. Of course, this game could be done without technology (and it was, after we practiced it as a group), but the use of technology made it more engaging and also helped make it easier for everyone to see and participate.

Demonstrating a science experiment using the document camera--Making Jello!

I was able to use the document camera to zoom in on the tiny particles in the Jello powder mixture to help students understand that sugar, powder, sand, etc. are actually tiny solids, even though substances like this act somewhat like liquids. The document camera also helped students watch as student helpers came up to help make the Jello. The purpose of this experiment was to explore how solids and liquids change state.

Internet Tools and the Smartboard

One of the most powerful uses of the Smartboard is the ability to share any of the internet's wonderful education resources with the whole class in an easy-to-see, interactive format. In the photo above, students learned how to use an interactive activity (Change It! Click here for link) that demonstrates what happens when various solids and liquids are put into a freezer or an oven. This site is one of many that we used. Other resources are listed in the sidebar to the left.

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